CIRO Short Course Application Form | Chartered Institution of Railway Operators

Please use the form below to submit your preliminary application for one of CIRO’s short courses.

Once your application is received, we will be in touch to make further progress on your enrolment.

If you have any questions about CIRO’s short courses, this application form, or the enrolment process, please contact

Enquiries about CIRO’s academic courses can be submitted here.

    Your Full Name (required)

    Your Personal and/or Work Email (required)

    Contact Number (required)

    Your Company (required)

    Your Job Title (required)

    Please briefly describe your background and level of experience in the rail industry (required)

    Are You a Member of CIRO? (required)

    CIRO Membership Number (if applicable)

    Which Course Are You Applying For? (required)

    How Do You Intend to Pay for the Course? (required)

    The taught events are catered. Do you have any dietary requirements?

    Your Car Registration (if applicable, to provide exemption from on-site parking charges whilst attending any of our taught course - Stafford CIRO HQ site only)

    Do you give permission to be included in event photography, and for the photos to be used across CIRO platforms? (required)

    Where appropriate, would you be willing to provide a testimonial after your course has taken place? This would be used in CIRO marketing/social media for the benefit of future short courses. (required)