Renew your Membership | Chartered Institution of Railway Operators

Keep up to date with a fast moving industry and continue your professionalism by renewing your membership.

Reasons to renew your membership

There are several reasons why you should renew your membership.

  • Operations community – CIRO members form the largest community of dedicated railway operations professionals, so you’ll continue to be connected to like-minded professionals.
  • Professionalism – Continue to demonstrate your professionalism and strengthen your impact by affiliation with CIRO’s international reputation and commitment to railway operations excellence.
  • Resources – utilise the wealth of resources available to CIRO members. Explore member benefits.


How to renew

Our Member’s Portal has been designed to simplify the renewal process for you.

Renew online

You will be sent an email containing a payment link which will allow you to simply click the link and make your payment.

Missed your email? Contact us and we can re-send the payment link to you.

Standing order

If you would like to set up a standing order, or already have a standing order in place, then please contact us for further details.


We will still process cheques if this is your preferred method of payment. Please contact the us at the time of your membership renewal for further details.

How much will it cost?

Membership Fees

Renewal date

Membership runs from 1 October to 30 September annually.

Please note that if you have previously had a renewal date in April/May then your renewal date has been moved to 30 September.

Contact us

To contact the membership team please email and a member of the team will get back to you.

Alternatively call us on +44 (0)3333 440523