South West & Wales | Chartered Institution of Railway Operators

South West and Wales Area Council

The South West and Wales Area Council is happy to welcome new and existing members for the coming calendar year. We have members from across the Southern Coast, South of Wales, and Southernly Counties of England, all from different rail companies and working in a variety of operational roles.

We aim to continue to run monthly events to help further the learning and professional development of our members across a variety of railway professions. Our webinars and networking events are hosted by a variety of rail industry experts, with attendees given the opportunity to meet like-minded professionals and make lasting connections within their field, as well as furthering their knowledge and capabilities within their respective roles.

If you wish to contact us, please send an email to


The Area Council are the people who are there to make CIRO work for you. We do it for you and because of you. We love to hear from you with your ideas and crucially feedback on what we are doing for you. Make us make CIRO work for you.


Council Members

Martin Bonnington                         Kerry Cassidy

David Davidson                              Nick Edwards

Zoe Fithern                                     Ross Liddell

Chris Prior                                       Colin Stanaway

Paul Stanford                                   Robin White


Upcoming Events

Relaunch of CIRO in the South West & Wales on 19 February 2025, 5:30 pm - 6:00 pm