Australia & New Zealand | Chartered Institution of Railway Operators

We are working hard to support all our members in growing their networks, learning and development in railway operators across Australia and New Zealand.

Membership for people living in Australia and New Zealand is currently free at Affiliate level. To join, complete the application form by clicking ‘join now’ at the top of this page and select ‘CIRO-ANZ’ as your corporate company.


The Australia and New Zealand (ANZ) Council is now established in South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, South Australia, Western Australia and New Zealand. CIRO offers its members the opportunity to connect with industry leaders throughout ANZ, with a network reaching out to the extended global, professional rail community. 

Building on the foundations built by CIRO in the United Kingdom, the ANZ Council was formed in 2019 to promote the interests of railway operators in Australia and New Zealand. With the goal of furthering the collective knowledge of its members and their professional standing in the sector.

The ANZ Council will be hosting educational webinars for its members across the coming calendar year, as well as networking opportunities for those in the rail sector across ANZ. In the coming calendar year, our goal is to fully embed the new leadership team which has representation in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide, and Auckland. 

If you are interested in becoming an area councillor or in joining our Australia and New Zealand Area Council, then join CIRO and be a part of a global movement of industry professionals who are leading the way in railway operations excellence. For enquiries, please contact us at


“In ANZ our mantra is to “Educate”, “Connect” and “Inspire”. We are about continued professional development and mentoring, having regular forums for our people to connect via webinar or socially to share ideas and promote learning and good practice.”

The ANZ Council is formed from experienced, leading industry professionals from rail services across Australia and New Zealand. Their collective knowledge and support make for an excellent resource for rail operators who join the CIRO ANZ area council.

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Members of the ANZ Council hosted an Innovation Hub session at AusRail in 2022 with Steve Butcher FIRO, Tilly Loughborough ACIRO, and Huw Bridges MCIRO talking about how CIRO can help address the identified skills gap in the Australia and New Zealand rail industry. Speaking afterwards Nigel said, “It was a pleasure to facilitate this session, there was a lively discussion between the panel members, and it allowed us to spread the word about benefits of CIRO membership.

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