Rail Pro12 System Elements of Rail Course | CIRO

Accredited/Recognised by: The Chartered Institution of Railway Operators


Rail Pro: 12 System Elements of Rail is not eligible for Apprentice levy funding.

Who is it for:

Rail Pro: 12 System Elements of Rail is ideal for mid-level professionals keen to gain a more in-depth insight into the entire railway operations field, the course is delivered through a series of interactive online learning exercises.



Requirements for Study:

No specific requirements but must be a CIRO member to purchase the course.

How to apply:

Please use our short course application form to submit an application for this course.

Apply here

How does it work?

An online series of interactive learning exercises. Packed with useful information, each module comprises core text and then a quiz at the end of each section and subsections. The questions are designed to aid student learning. Explanations are given with the answers where appropriate.

CIRO’s Rail Pro: 12 System Elements of Rail is an online, interactive course that reflects the POD (Professional Operators Development) framework in that it contains 12 sections of learning complimenting the knowledge and competencies spanning the entire professional context of railway operators.


The course requires the use of the Operators’ Handbook alongside as core information on each element within the course is held within the text of this handbook. An e-copy of the Operators’ Handbook is included as standard with each allocation of Rail Pro.

Once all elements of this course are satisfied, learners can print off their completion certificate within Rail Academy for their records.

For more information or to register your interest, please email the Rail Academy team at learnserve@railwayoperators.co.uk

Course contents include:

  • Rolling Stock and Fleet Management
  • General Management
  • People and Change
  • Railway Organisations Business Context
  • Financial and Investment Planning
  • Performance Management
  • Incident and Emergency Management
  • Delivering Passenger & Freight Services
  • Delivering Customer Service
  • Managing Safety
  • Operational Planning and Timetabling
  • Train movement and Control Systems

Full details can be found in our 2024 CIRO Course Brochure:
