Mixed Use Railway: A Market Led Approach | Chartered Institution of Railway Operators

Date(s) - 14 January 2025
5:30 pm


Mixed Use Railway: A Market Led Approach


Presented by:
Richard Ellis-Hobbs ACIRO
Simon Coulthard ACIRO


Tuesday 14th January | 17:30



Hosted by the CIRO Midlands Area, join this online event with guest speakers by Richard Ellis-Hobbs, Senior Strategic Planner, Network Rail and Simon Coulthard, Head of Light Rail Knowledge & Development, Network Rail.

Richard and Simon will share their presentation on Mixed Use Railway: A Market Led Approach.

Their objective is to grow rail’s market share by extending the reach of the rail system: lowering capital and operating cost to offer a financially viable product for corridors that match expected demand to cost in the most appropriate way for each ‘feeder line’.

The railway product currently offered already includes several sub-modes from heavy rail, tram train, light rail, very light rail. It is important that we use the learning developed to date to make the case for rail-based interventions that make the most of the opportunities that are out there. Effective integration of commercial, and operating systems, between the “sub modes” offers current and potential new passengers a seamless journey that is a viable alternative to the private car.

Misconceptions can prevent effective cross industry/sub-mode sharing. Technology can be shared across sub modes, which will reduce operational and capital cost of the whole system and improve financial sustainability.

Partners across the transport sector are keen to work cooperatively:

  • Local Authorities who want to connect their communities
  • Manufacturers with new and innovative vehicles
  • Transport network operators who already interface with the National Rail network
  • Industry regulators who are willing to engage and open to innovation.

Working with their partners to develop the ‘Mixed Use Railway’ concept, focusing on live case studies to demonstrate financially robust and operationally feasible business cases that will expand the market reach of the railway,  Richard and Simon will present the story of their work so far in this area, providing much food for thought.

POD Sections Covered:
03.         Delivering Passenger & Freight Services
05.         Delivering Customer Services
12.         Financial and Investment Planning

Click here to Register to attend online

We look forward to welcoming you at this event.


Any questions please contact Liz Walker at events@railwayoperators.co.uk