Cultural Challenges in the Adoption of Data-Driven Decision Making | Chartered Institution of Railway Operators

Date(s) - 30 October 2024
6:00 pm


Cultural Challenges in the Adoption of Data-Driven Decision Making


Wednesday 30th October 2024

Venue: Palestra, 197 Blackfriars Road, London, SE1 8NJ

Teas and coffees from 17:30, for a prompt 18:00 start
followed by food and networking nearby


Guest speaker:

Jonathan Randall
Doctoral Student at Loughborough University


About The Event

This session will look at research into how we understand organisational culture and what are the aspects that influence the way an organisation adopts (or not) an Information System. The starting point is that both culture and IS have significant value and the wisdom is in knowing how to understand the interaction between them.

Importance to railway operators: The organisations in the UK railway system use Information Systems to keep operations running as smoothly and as safety as possible. Ensuring a ‘happy partnership’ between those Information Systems (IS) and each organisation’s culture(s) is key to ensuring that it ‘all works together’. The initial use of this research is in the Seasonally Agnostic Railway Model which aims to support more proactive communication to customers (about services impacted by weather risk) and support longer-term climate change scenario analysis.

Key Takeaways:

  1. An organisation often has many subcultures and the interaction between these can be as important as the overall culture, particularly when looking at who is involved in an IS project.
  2. History has deep effects on a culture which means that it carries some important learnings. But changes in the environment may mean that some of these learnings need to evolve.
  3. Deeply held cultural attitudes towards time should be taken into account when selecting an implementation methodology.

POD Sections Covered:
03. Delivering Passenger & Freight Services
05. Delivering Customer Services
10. People and Change

How To Attend

Use the booking form below to reserve your place and click “SEND YOUR BOOKING”

If you’ve never attended a CIRO South East Area event before please email and we will welcome you on the evening.


Any questions? Contact Liz Walker at
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Due to the environment of some of the sites we visit, we may need to know if you have any access, medical, dietary, or other considerations that need to be brought to our attention. We do not limit participation in our events, and welcome all able and non-able bodied members to attend. Any major health and safety concerns, that may be out of our control, will be outlined in any promotional materials so you can make the best choice for you. Should you like to attend or watch an event and feel we need to be made aware of something about yourself, you can contact the email address above in confidence and we will be happy to assist and inform you.


Bookings are closed for this event.