Our Introduction to Rail taught days can now be upgraded | Chartered Institution of Railway Operators

Our Introduction to Rail taught days can now be upgraded 

Attendees of our Introduction to Rail taught days now have the opportunity to upgrade their place to include access to Rail Pro: 12 System Elements of Rail and the Operators’ Handbook.

Our new Introduction to Rail+ upgrade is the perfect learning pathway for someone ready to significantly develop themselves as a Rail professional. With access to the specialist Rail Pro: 12 System Elements of Rail course (worth £350!), the Operators’ Handbook and an invaluable expert-led Introduction to Rail, learners will finish with two CIRO recognised qualifications and a wealth of knowledge on the rail industry.

Introduction to Rail is a classic Rail training course ideal for those new to the industry or for developing Rail professionals. Our expert tutors will guide you through the most essential knowledge for working in Rail and support your learning with their insight and experiences. Now, learners are given the opportunity to enhance this learning by following their Introduction to Rail with the Rail Pro: 12 System Elements of Rail course: covering 12 essential elements of Rail in depth and allowing learners to specialise and tailor their learning for their profession.

As our highest value-for-money pathway, you are provided with 60+ specialist learning hours, 2 CIRO recognised Rail qualifications, a training day with an expert on Rail, a copy of our Operators’ Handbook, and a valuable opportunity for networking.

Join us at our headquarters in Stafford on the 24th October and enrol on this specialist learning pathway. Find out more about our next Introduction to Rail+ event, or contact learnserve@railwayoperators.co.uk to ask questions or start the booking process.