CIRO Code of Professional Conduct | Chartered Institution of Railway Operators

The Chartered Institution of Railway Operators (CIRO) Code of Professional Conduct

The purpose of the code is to lay down for its members and the general public the working philosophy which cover good railway operations practice.

The code applied to all voting-members of the Institution, this is the Fellows, Members and Associates.

The code applies to all voting-members equally however indirectly the member is involved with operating matters.

In all aspects of a member’s professional life they are obligated to act in accordance with the rules of professional conduct.

If any member is concerned about a breach of the rules of Professional Conduct they can contact the Institution in confidence so that arrangements can be made for them to discuss their concerns with a senior member of CIRO, doing so without malice.

The Rules of Professional Conduct:

These are based on CIRO’s organisational values: Professional, Inclusive, Collaborative, Contemporary.

  • All voting-members shall discharge their professional duties with integrity and shall behave with integrity in relation to all conduct bearing upon the standing, reputation and dignity of the Institution and of the profession of railway operations.
  • All voting-members shall have full regard for the public interest , particularly in relation to matters of health and safety, and the production of a reliable and efficient service.
  • All voting-members shall develop their professional knowledge, skills and competence on a continuing basis and shall give all reasonable assistance to further the education, training and continuing professional development of others.
  • All voting-members shall show due regard and understanding of all other colleagues involved in the railway system for the public good.
  • All voting-members will proactively uphold the principles of equality and diversity.
  • All voting-members shall only undertake work they are competent to do.
  • All voting-members shall:
    • Notify the Institution if convicted of a criminal offence
    • Notify the Institution upon being bankrupt, disqualified as a Company Director or made unemployed from a railway company for professional or gross misconduct.
    • Notify the Institution of any significant breach of the Rules of Professional Misconduct.

Revised – October 2021