Passenger Satisfaction Boost Event Guest Speakers | CIRO

Passenger Satisfaction Boost Event Guest Speakers


Stephen Bick
Project Director, Siemens Mobility

Stephen has been in the Rail industry for 30yrs, 20 of these in Project Delivery for Signalling schemes across the NW&C region. Stephen has been engaged all through the West Midlands Resignaling schemes for Siemens Mobility, leading the teams from the original phases’ conception to the completion on Birmingham New St Ph7.


Andrew Cardiff
Senior Project Manager, Siemens Mobility

Andrew has been in the Rail industry for 21yrs, 10 of these in Project Delivery for Signalling schemes across the NW&C region. Andrew has been engaged on several of the West Midlands Resignaling schemes for Siemens Mobility, Project Managing the team through the development and delivery of Birmingham New St Ph7.