Mercury3 Consult | Chartered Institution of Railway Operators

Mercury3 Consult

Mercury3 Consult is a project and programme management consultancy, currently focused in the rail sector. Established in 2017 by 3 friends, they are a young and growing company working collaboratively with their Clients to successfully deliver varied portfolios on high profile and valued projects, UK wide. By aligning with CIRO, they aim to develop a competency framework for their team of Operations Consultants.

With a substantial amount of experience within their team, Mercury3 Consult aim to maintain CIRO’s professional accreditations, whilst working with CIRO in developing methods in training new Operations Consultants, focusing on Operations Interface on Major Projects.

Mercury3 Consult are keen to develop strong relationships with the Heritage Rail Sector as a key part of their Social Values Commitment, whilst continually committed to build a passionate and motivated team by securing the right people, investing in their development, and carefully selecting the most appropriate project deployments for their experience and expertise. “Our people drive project solutions. And it is only with them will we truly succeed.”


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