York ROC Visit | Chartered Institution of Railway Operators

Date(s) - 11 December 2023
5:00 pm


York ROC Visit

Hosted by CIRO North East Area Council

Monday 11th December at 17:00


York Rail Operating Centre


About the Event

The North East Area Council invites members to a visit to the York Rail Operating Centre, where we will be given a tour of the control centre and signalling centre.

York ROC is the largest of twelve Rail Operating Centres, opening in stages from 2014 onwards, and will be responsible for the East Coast Main Line from King’s Cross to the Scottish border, along with many cross-country and local routes. Moving control of signalling to the newer, more modern ROC, means passengers will benefit from more reliable journeys as the ROC gives signallers a greater overview of the railway. This will help to further develop a centre of excellence with greater resilience when disruption occurs and is more cost effective to run. This visit will be of particular relevance to anybody interested in train signalling and operations, especially those who are studying on one of the CIRO courses.

The visit will last for approximately 2 hours.


How to Attend

Places are limited to 10 for this visit.

Please register as soon as possible, as places will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. When booking, please let us know whether you have any mobility requirements. Further details will be given to those who have been allocated a place.


Any questions please contact Liz Walker at events@railwayoperators.co.uk


This event is fully booked.