Family Fun Day at Anderton Boat Lift | Chartered Institution of Railway Operators

Date(s) - 9 July 2022
11:00 am - 3:00 pm


Family Fun Day at Anderton Boat Lift

Hosted by the CIRO North West and Wales Area Council

Anderton Boat Lift, Northwich, Cheshire, CW9 6FW

Saturday 9th July, 11:00


Please Note: This event has now sold out.

If you would like to be added to the waiting list, please email


How To Attend

There is a maximum of 15 spaces available for the trip. The 15 includes CIRO members and any family members they wish to bring with them, and these will be on a first come, first served basis. Tickets must be booked by June 10th 2022. If you would like to attend, then scroll to the bottom of this page where you will find the option to book a ticket. You will need to book enough tickets for yourself and any additional people you will be attending with. There is a maximum of 5 people per booking. Should this be an issue, please contact

The North West and Wales Area Council is kindly subsidising the cost of this trip for members and their families, so we ask that you only book a ticket if you are sure you can attend and have a keen interest in doing so. We do however understand that there will be reasons people may need to cancel. If all tickets are booked and more people wish to attend, we will be operating a waiting list should people have to cancel their space.



Anderton Boat Lift

Winner of experience of the year 2019, The Anderton Boat Lift has earned its nickname of Cathedral of the Canals for a very good reason. Not only does it still do the job it was designed to do of lifting boats and barges the 50 feet from the River Weaver Navigation to the Trent & Mersey Canal, but it does so with the most ingenious and endearing character of any structure on the canal system.

The mighty Anderton Boat Lift is one of the ‘Seven Wonders of the Waterways’ and together with its visitor centre, coffee shop, play area and nearby Northwich Woodlands, it makes for a great day out.

The visit will include a boat trip, at 11:30hrs, which will start with our vessel being lowered from the upper level of the Lift, into the river, below. The visitor centre showcases the history of this iconic piece of Victorian engineering history, and lunch will be served in the coffee shop. There is also a gift shop selling souvenirs. Although dinner is being paid for by the council, attendees are asked to pay for any additional extras they should like to purchase e.g. souvenirs, drinks, snacks etc. A pay-and-display car park is also operated on site, this will need to be paid for by attendees, CIRO does not endorse the use of this car park and cars are left at the owner’s own risk.



Please Note: There is only 1 Space Left For This Event

If you would like to be adedd to the waiting list, please email


This event is fully booked.