Driver Recruitment Challenges Webinar | Chartered Institution of Railway Operators

Date(s) - 14 July 2022
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm


Driver Recruitment Challenges Webinar

Presented by Carla Purcell and Nigel Jenkins

Thursday 14th July at 12:00 – 13:00 AEST (Australian Eastern Standard Time) / 02:00 BST

Held on Microsoft Teams


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About the Webinar

Nigel Jenkins, chair of the CIRO Australia and New Zealand Area Council , will be hosting a webinar lunch and learn event on Thursday 14th July at 12:00 – 13:00 AEST.  The key speaker for the event is Carla Purcell, COO of Yarra Trams, who will be presenting on the challenge of driver recruitment.



Driver availability is challenging most rail operations around the world as labour shortages continue to impact many industries and the competition for talented candidates heats up.  The impact has been two-fold with longer term shortages due to inability to hire enough suitable candidates to meet attrition rates, but also the impacts of COVID-19 infections, isolation requirements and general illness are causing day of operations impacts.

Yarra Trams is taking a multi-pronged approach that utilises both demand and supply strategies to reduce the operational impact such that passengers returning to the network have a positive experience to encourage them to use public transport when they next choose to travel.  This presentation will focus on the demand and supply strategies that have been utilised to ensure operational performance is maintained, during this challenging period, but also how positive improvements have been made to improve the diversity of the driver workforce by offering part-time employment to maximise the number of available and suitable candidates.

POD section relevance: Section 10 – People and Change.


How To Attend

This webinar will be held on Microsoft Teams. Please note, the event is being held by the Australia and New Zealand Area Council and as such, is being scheduled for AEST (Australia Eastern Standard Time) and not BST (British Summer Time).


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