Command and Control Process | Chartered Institution of Railway Operators

Date(s) - 10 November 2021
6:00 pm - 7:00 pm


We are delighted to announce that Liz Henry, Duty Control Manage for Sydney Trains (ST) will be presenting on their revised “Command and Control” process.

As part of her role Liz has been integral in the Rail Operations Centre (ROC) “ways of working” program supporting continuous improvements to improve consistency of application, operational resilience, and customer experience.

Please join us for this online event.

Nigel Jenkins, ANZ Council Chair

POD Sections Covered:

1. Incident & Emergency Management
10. People & Change

***Please note the time zone of this event

UK time 0700 – 0800 AM

Australian Eastern Daylight Time 1800 – 1900***

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