CIRO Midland Area Council Family Day 2024 | Chartered Institution of Railway Operators

Date(s) - 8 June 2024
10:00 am


Statfold Barn Railway Family Day

Hosted by CIRO Midlands Area Council

Saturday 8th June

Meet at 10:00 at Tamworth station


About the Event

The Midlands Area Council invites members and families to our family day to the Statfold Barn Railway.

Our Family Day is a great day out and gives the opportunity for partners and children of members to enjoy a great day out with fellow members.

You’ll see more working steam locomotives in one hour than anywhere else in the UK, as the Statfold Barn Railway and Museum has one of the largest collections of rare, unique and historic locomotives from around the world, and much more…

  • The only narrow-gauge Roundhouse in the UK
  • Double track mainline where you can experience parallel running and trains passing each other
  • Dedicated photography areas at various points of the railway
  • Fierce gradients and tight corners
  • Coaches with balcony ends so you can immerse yourself in steam
  • Freight trains throughout the day
  • Watch the locomotives being turned on the turntable at Statfold Junction

Due to the popularity of last year’s family event places have been increased to 50 for this visit. So register as soon as possible, as places will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.

How to Attend

To book your places, use the booking form below.

If you need any assistance, please contact Liz at

Something You Want Us To Know?
Due to the environment of some of the sites we visit, we may need to know if you have any access, medical, dietary, or other considerations that need to be brought to our attention. We do not limit participation in our events, and welcome all able and non-able bodied members to attend. Any major health and safety concerns, that may be out of our control, will be outlined in any promotional materials so you can make the best choice for you. Should you like to attend or watch an event and feel we need to be made aware of something about yourself, you can contact the email address above in confidence and we will be happy to assist and inform you.


Bookings are closed for this event.