CIRO to host exciting learning conference later this month | Chartered Institution of Railway Operators

CIRO to host exciting learning conference later this month

Chartered Institution of Railway Operators is hosting a two-day event later this month offering over 30 hours of learning and development.

The Rail Ops 2021 event is being held virtually on 29 & 30 November where members will be able to develop their knowledge in the 13 areas of CIRO’s professional operator’s development tool, POD. It is also open to non-members and is a great opportunity for industry players to learn about the benefits of a CIRO membership.

Content delivered by industry leading experts will be split across two days and has been specially created with personal development in mind.

This event offers delegates multiple opportunities to increase their knowledge on all aspects of rail operations.

Topics to be covered include: Incident & Emergency Management, Performance Management, Delivering Passenger & Freight Services, Managing Safety, Delivering Customer Services, Operational Planning & Timetabling, Train Movement Control Systems, Rolling Stock & Fleet Management, Railway Engineering Maintenance & Renewals Management, People & Change, Railway Organisations Business Context, and Finance & Investment Planning.

CIRO CEO Fiona Tordoff said: “This is an exciting event for those in the industry who value career progression and see the benefit of personal development.

“Guests will be able to take part in discussions, Q&A sessions and can review specialist areas such as Careers in Rail, 21st Century Operations portfolio and Systems Thinking areas.

“We’re pleased to be hosting such an important event for the industry, and must thank our corporate members for facilitating it through their sponsorship.”

The event will be filled with exciting speakers including:


To register for the Rail Ops Conference 2021, visit