Members Portal | Chartered Institution of Railway Operators

Your brand new CIRO Members’ Portal has arrived and is ready for you to embark on a journey of exciting rail industry content, new membership features, and collaboration with your fellow members!

Take a look to see the new and improved features which will be available to make your CIRO membership as streamlined and rewarding as possible.

If you are an existing member and have not received your email invitation to active your account on the new portal by Thursday 24th August 2023, please contact us on


Broaden your horizon and access a wealth of knowledge at a time that suits you with CIRO TV – a film archive of past events and conferences.

Upgrade your Membership

Does your membership level reflect your skills, qualifications, and experience? Demonstrate your professionalism by upgrading your membership using the step-by-step process.

POD Self-assessment

Understand the full impact of your role by continuing your professional development using the Professional Operators Development tool (POD) and other resources. Get a holistic view of the industry across all specialisms.

CPD Activity Log

Keep on top of your personal development by reflecting, reviewing and documenting your Continuing Professional Development activities, in the new easy-to-use log.

Bulletin Magazine

Stay connected to the CIRO community with biannual updates in the Bulletin magazine.

Rail Publications

Keep up to date with comment and analysis for the rail industry through a free monthly e-subscription from a business orientated rail publication.


Free to all members – find a mentor. As a Member or Fellow level have you signed up as a mentor to share your experience?

Events Calendar

See what events are being run by the CIRO Area Councils around the regions and also online.

Membership Account

See what events are being run by the CIRO Area Councils around the regions and also online.

Plus the brand NEW CIRO Collaborate Forum

Connect with CIRO’s worldwide network – CIRO Collaborate Forum provides access to a community of rail professionals

Members’ Portal FAQ

What changes will I notice?

The Members’ Portal will look different to what you’re used to. It’s easy to use, with everything you need in one place. This will mean that you will only have to login once whenever you want to access your CIRO member benefits.

How will I login on the new portal?

The Members’ Portal will use your primary email address for access in place of your unique CIRO username. You will receive an email from the system to your primary email address to set a password when the portal is launched.

How will this affect my membership renewal?

If you’re a corporate member and your membership is paid for by your company, you won’t need to do anything. We will email you to confirm your membership for the next year and to ask you to check your details are up to date.

If your membership is paid for by CIRO, you won’t need to do anything. We will email you to confirm your membership for the next year and to ask you to check your details are up to date.

If you pay for your membership, we will email you ahead of your membership expiry date to advise you that it is time to renew your membership. We have been able to simplify the process and you will be able to make a payment directly from the email link. Alternatively, if you have a standing order in place, we will manually process your renewal once your payment is received into the bank. Likewise, we will still process cheques if this is your preferred method of payment.

I’ve got a membership upgrade application outstanding, what will happen to it?

We will transfer your application over to the new Members’ Portal as a download, and you can access it in the ‘Upgrading’ section when you login. You will need to complete your membership upgrade in the new portal. There will be guidance to help you with this.

Will my CIRO membership number change?

Yes, your CIRO membership number will change. We know that the membership number demonstrates longevity, so your old number will display as a ‘legacy’ number next to your new one on your account.

What will happen to my CPD record?

If you added any CPD activities to your record, this will be brought over to the new Members’ Portal and can be found in the ‘CPD’ section as a download.

Will I still be able to use the CIRO App?

No, the app will no longer be supported. However, the new CIRO Members’ Portal will be accessible through your browser on all your devices and you will be able to access all your member benefits from the portal.

What will happen if my membership lapses?

If your membership lapses, you won’t be able to access your CIRO member benefits. Please contact the CIRO membership team at or +44 (0) 3333 440523 if this happens

Is my data safe?

CIRO applies the principles of the UK GDPR and as a data controller is registered with the ICO. Protecting Personal Data is a critical responsibility that CIRO always takes seriously. CIRO regards the lawful and correct treatment of Personal Data as crucial to the successful delivery of the highest quality of service, and the lawful and correct processing of personal information is a key function of CIRO operations.

My question isn’t in the FAQs?

If you have another question or concern, please get in touch with the membership team at or +44 (0) 3333 440523.